Exercise Out Your Bad Feelings With This Angry Breakup Workout Soundtrack

POPSUGAR Photography | Kat Borchart
POPSUGAR Photography | Kat Borchart

There's no way around it: breakups totally suck, in every way possible. And they also totally occupy ALL your brain space, clouding your thoughts, bringing you and your energy down. The best way to beat it? Exercise. Trust me.

Go out for a run, or try a high-intensity workout (it'll feel like running away from your problems, but it's better). You'll be so focused on the burning of your muscles or your shortness of breath that it'll be a nice distraction. Plus, it's such a healthy way to channel any negative energy (the happiness hormones, endorphins, will be flowing!). Throw on this angry, "forget you," empowering playlist to forget your ex ever existed — and to become the best version of yourself yet. Get out there and shine.

If this mix isn't your speed or style, check out all of our workout playlists to find something that suits your taste. Just download the free Spotify software or app to listen to our playlists.